Due to the large number of homeless animals and the limited resources we have, we can´t afford to rescue all strays, so we also run a controlled TNR program (Trap-Neuter-Release) for stray animals in areas of extreme poverty. This way we avoid reproduction, reducing the number of puppies in adverse situations of hunger, cold, and sickness.

We find animal loving families in extreme financial need and create an exchange model with them through which we provide them with food, clothing, education, and house items in exchange for feeding and keeping track of the animals in the area. This way we can send veterinarians to conduct check-ups, vaccinate, deworm, and bring food. This helps us keep control of the populations while giving a hand to human families in need, with love and dignity.  We believe this can help keep kids away from human trafficking and drug cartels, while teaching them the importance of respecting and caring for animals.

A Glimpse of Our Works

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